
States v. Defendant(s) Ricky Young, William Willard

Defendant Young's motion for a new trial was denied and he will be sentenced by the Court on October 17 for the guilty verdicts on the following counts: Count 1 (Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud); Counts 2 and 6 (Wire Fraud); Count 11 (Money Laundering); and Count 13 (Securities Fraud). Based on the guilty verdicts, the defendant faces a maximum sentence of 80 years imprisonment and a $2 million fine. The Court, however, has complete discretion to sentence defendant Young to any range of punishment from no punishment up to the maximum , based on its consideration of, among other things, the offense characteristics, the defendant's history, and the advisory federal sentencing guidelines.

The sentencing hearing for defendant(s), William Willard, has been set for October 13, 2011, 10:00 AM at Reno Courtroom 5, Bruce R. Thompson Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse, 400 S. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89501 before Judge Larry Hicks.

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