

On February 25, 2011, defendant William Willard pled guilty to the charges listed below. Any remaining counts will be disposed of at the time of sentencing. As a result of the guilty plea, there will be no trial involving this defendant.

Number of Charges Description of Charges Disposition
----------------- ---------------------- -----------
1 Securities Violations Guilty
1 Attempt and conspiracy fraud Guilty
5 Fraud by wire, radio, or television Guilty
20 Laundering of monetary instruments Dismissed without Prejudice
6 Monetary transactions with property from unlawful act Guilty
5 Civil forfeiture Dismissed without Prejudice

The sentencing hearing for defendant(s), William Willard, has been set for June 6, 2011, 10:00 AM at Reno Courtroom 5, Bruce R. Thompson Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse, 400 S. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89501 before Judge Larry Hicks.


Anonymous said...

Rick Young was found guilty on all charges!!!!! Justice will be served!

Anonymous said...

How many houses are they taking in Lewistown Montana?

Anonymous said...

What happened at the sentencing?